Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Aouther's note:i think that snowboarding is better than skateboarding but i still think this story was pretty good.

skateboards are amazing their like snowboards but not a snowboard because snowboards are boss they are really cool .Because you can go down hills and go off jumps.but were not doing snowboards were doing skateboards with amazing wheels but you have to have have skateboarding shoes to use a skateboard well they r pretty cool because you can grid of off of stuff and do flips with your skateboard

Thursday, December 15, 2011


auother's note: this is probably not my best and longest but i still like this one.

ducks are amazing they fly around every where and land on the ground to find food for the little ones . also they can swim on water with their webbed feet which is really cool saying a lot of birds cant land on water.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Auothers note: think we should of came up with a different topic because i don't think this one was my best

Cars are amazing ,especially the movie cars and cars 2 They are good because they blink by turning their windshield wipers on . and they go on missions to save the world of cars which i thought was very creative of the directors to think of cars that come to life and try and save the world of cars.

Friday, December 9, 2011


author's note:i think that movies are amazing and that's why i wrote this

Movies are really good I like watching movies especially action movies they are amazing. Like transformers that movie is really good with all of the action and stuff they made a really good series of transformers but what was really cool is how they made those cars come to life.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Basketball is something I would play but don’t like that much anymore.I mean it isn’t that bad because i enjoy watching it on TV when the professionals play but I'm no where near that stage i better at football then basketball.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Author's Note: i think that this is a good short story but could use a little more word play   

Football is a really good sport to watch and play I wish when i grow up I will be in the NFL which stands for the National Football League.What the good part is you get paid for playing football that's the most amazing thing in the world.How that's good is you just play football and get paid but you have to go to college for 3 years to go to the NFL and you have to get drafted in the NFL draft to a team to get in the NFL . To get in is hard and you have to be good to play in the NFL, really good .And if you get picked in the first round of the NFL draft would be really good for you because then they need that position to be filled that you play if they don’t have someone good playing at that spot already.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Killer Pizza

                                            Killer Pizza

what i like about Killer Pizza is that it was just like a haunted house that i went to awhile ago and it was awesome. Their was Michael Myers at the end  that was one of the best parts. Also it was really freaky because you didn’t what was going to happen .But one part was really bad because you had to answer a question and you got to move on but other wise it was good.Back to the story how it connected to the haunted house is  that  i went to it .And it is  very similar well to the main part of the story what happens is that pizza comes to life and in the haunted house people were coming back to life to in the haunted house because they said that150 some kids had to stay behind because they were bad but then when the teachers and other people came back they were dead but came back to life. it was really freaky because they came out of no where which was cool but a little scary. Also the story did the same thing by scaring other people that were in the book. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Believe

 Authors  Note: what this story is trying to tell you is that we have to stand up to are country .

I’m proud of my country because my grandpa was in the Karina war and made it out alive. Thank god because I got to meet him but he was sick for a long time then he got better than 2 years ago he passed away.  I was so sad then just about a year from now my grandma had passed away I was sad. All of the other country’s think that we are going to collapse in government and other stuff  but I don’t want to give up on this country because I believe that we are a great country. Maybe that all of the stuff on 911wasn’t like everyone thought it was what if the world trade center was going down any way and they just wanted people to hit it down instead of setting up a demolition, maybe.        

 I think the government is tell most of the story about 9/11 but I also think that the government is hiding some information about 9/11 that the world needs to know. What I think is maybe that the terrorist attack wasn’t entirely a terrorist attack maybe one plane got out of control the first time to hit one of the buildings then the second plane was the ones that got hijacked and hit the second building. But no one will know unless the government tell us the whole story about 9/11 but maybe they are telling the whole true. If the world cannot know about the whole story about 9/11 then we might get attacked from one of our allies like china .Maybe they will turn on use because we are down too much money to china and maybe they want to take over are country to  get the money that they need to make their place even better and make us slaves .

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Unsinkable

Author's Note: What i thought about this essay is much lives were lost by the sinking of the titanic.

It was a cold dark night as the ship made its way to New York. After dancing and dining the unthinkable thing just happened. The ship had just collided will an ice berg and the ship was sinking. This may sound like a story but it’s not, this happened in real life. The ship designer thought that the titanic was unsinkable but that wasn’t entirely true.

Although the ship designer was wrong the ship had to have at least one or 2 parts to make that ship sink. Just because the titanic sank by one ice berg I’m mean come on one ice berg how does the titanic sink to one ice berg. I could believe that the Ice berg was pretty big saying that it sunk the titanic a really big ship back in the day. The ship sunk from the front to the back so where the ice berg hit  the titanic must of been to big of an ice berg to get away from it .By the time workers  tried to stop the engine to make the titanic  slow down to drift away from the  ice berg I was to late.

Why I think the ship designer is wrong is because one the ship sank and two the ship had to at least have one part to make it sink. When the ice berg hit the titanic kept moving really slow maybe that caused the ship to sink if they stop maybe they could of closed it if they had the materials. I might be wrong but they could doesn’t matter the ship is still sinking of tried at least because what more could of went wrong the ship goes down really fast .Besides going down slow it both was and lives are being lost. If I was the designer I wouldn’t of said that the titanic was unsinkable because most likely everything can get destroyed .    although the ship designer was wrong about saying the titanic was unsinkable now he knows to never say anything is unsinkable . I hope the ship designer got taught a very good lesson  to never say anything is unsinkable.