Monday, February 27, 2012

Percy Jackson And The Lighting Theift

Author's Note:I think that i could of done better i did fix it up yesterday to make it sound better but i think i could still do better on this essay.                                  


I believe that this book is one of the best books that Ive ever read because they also made a movie about this book but change it up a little bit between  the movie and the book has more steps. How the book has more steps than the movie is that the movie begins that  Percy is underwater and he held his breathe for like 15 minutes that's a long time!!!!.And in the book they start off in their social studies class room those are to different beginnings isn't that weird.Also out of the two I like the movie better.The movie was Amazing I loved the movie so much it was the best if they could make a second movie I would definitely be going to see it.

The reason I liked the movie better it was because of Chris Columbus who directed the movie he did a fantastic job on telling about the Gods and how important they were in are world and how they still are.But Rick Riordan the person who wrote the book Percy Jackson and the Lighting Theft also did a good job on telling about the gods to. But the book and the movie were different in ways like the book in the end after Percy and the girl and his mom got out of the underworld the book pretty much ended.Although for the movie  When they got out of the underworld and went to go give Zeus his bolt back  but Luke from camp half-blood didn't want that to happen so him and Percy fought each other but Percy ends up winning against Luke and gave the bolt to Zeus.

So that’s one of the ways the movie and book are different between the two but also theirs a series for the book theirs more than one book .And for the movie theirs only one movie but I wish they will make a second one because it was a really good movie  even the ratings were good it got 4 out of 5 stars to me that’s a good movie.And for the book it also did good but to me i think the movie did better because the whole movie just was really good to me.But the book was good to i will give it that because they wouldn't a have made a series of books if the first one was bad so that's why i think it did good.

But in the book it could of had a better ending like its ending was good. But it wasn't the best it could of just had the ending like the movie its ending was fantastic it had the best ending of a movie Ive seen in a long time.All because of the action in the movie it made the ending better and serious it was either Luke or Percy gonna have a bolt with alot of power .And if Luke got it the world in the movie wouldn't be a happy place but Percy got it and returned it to Zeus where it belongs.So that’s why I liked the movie alot and the book to they were bot really good.     

Friday, February 3, 2012

The unbeliveable

   Author's Note: I think Currie did a amazing job on telling football fans what Adrian Peterson is all about.

                     The Sport of Inches  

Adrian Peterson, number 28 in a purple jersey,  is the all-pro!  He is currently  the running back for the Minnesota Vikings. Although sadly this year he could not finish his season because he injured his right knee, tearing his ACL and MCL. Despite this career threatening injury  the author, Stephan Currie, did a amazing job of telling football fans what Adrian Peterson is all about in his short article in The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Stephan Currie did an amazing job explaining about  Adrian Peterson and he told us that Adrian isn't giving up that he is a fighter. Peterson  had surgery and is doing great in rehab to get back and ready for next year.Also Currie told us about what Adrian Peterson has accomplished in football throughout his whole football career. And that is he was one of the finalist in the Heisman trophy but sadly came short to win the Heisman.He lost to Matt Leinart by 328 votes.

Furthermore I wish Peterson  would of won because he would have had alot better stats on his record of football. And it would be a great thing to accomplish to win the Heisman and do what he does today or at least when he comes back.What he also did was he had two brothers and both of them died one of them because they got hit by a car and the other brother died because of murder. Peterson had a rough childhood he had a dad and a mom but rarely ever saw his dad but at Adrian's first NFL game at Minneapolis ,Minnesota when Adrian got his first touchdown he saw his dad their i the crowd in the first row cheering for him and seeing him for the first time in a long time.Sadly after that Adrian barely ever saw his dad after that i feel so bad for him to miss his dad like that.

That is how i think Currie did a amazing because he told the football fans that Adrian is getting better and told us  some of his accomplishments and also his childhood.Stephan Currie is the amazing author on telling all about Adrian Peterson because he nailed this article to perfection.If he could do another article on like joe mauer my favorite baseball player i would like that one to that's how much I liked this article that Currie did on Adrian Peterson.