Friday, April 26, 2013

A Clean, Well-lighted Place

I read the Short Script/film A Clean, Well-lighted place. And I think this may make you think a little bit more than usual.  The way Ernest Hemingway wrote the script was a little confusing at the start, but gets a lot better. What I’m trying show here is the difference that two waiters can have. And that a film can have to.

The camera angles stay at one scene for a long time and that I think changes the way the watcher looks at it. And it can be a good thing but also a bad thing because some people have bad attention spans. The music has a role in this film to. It sets the tone because it just makes you  think what’s going to happen next and it’s just fascinating . And at the end it happens again where the music picks up and it just changes the tone and its just really cool and how it brings the film together.

And for the Waiters there are two of them one is a older waiter and then there is a younger waiter also. The younger waiter is a rude , self-centered  jerk who only cares about him and wanting to get home. Which I think it terrible he shouldn’t of been so mean to the old man. And  the older waiter is wiser and actually cares for the old man and older people in general. Which technically the saying is the older you are the wiser you are. And I like how Ernest used this script and the people he used his young life, his medium life and his oldest life and he created a story which is outstanding.

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