Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What do the People Want?

Author's Note:i think this essay was really good I studied websites looking at charts and alot more i think it did really good on this essay.   

Alaska's Drilling

If you could drill for more oil in Alaska would you? Personally i wouldn't drill in Alaska because of the environment in Alaska it is really good they have nice air and lots of trees but if you try to drill for oil the Wolf's,grizzly bears and polar bears and also a shaggy musk ox the mammoth like creature that is from the last ice age and maybe people might die from oil spills..Also trees could get cut down and get rid of that nice air with oil air no one likes that smell and then people will move away . Instead of being a state it will just be a oil factory but outside i mean come on seriously this Alaskan oil debate has been going on sense 1977 that's a long time and finally has made its breaking point.

In Alaska they have really good forests for animals and trees so that people can breathe but if are economy takes that away that's just sad. Why cant we just find a different place to drill or at least ask one of our allies like Canada or Asia their a big Continent what about them they have oil too why cant we ask them for some and give them money in return. But i guess that’s not going to happen sense their on a breaking point of drilling in Alaska.What i don't get is why are we drilling their in the first place if we really need oil then we should just ask someone else its not that hard.

The only reason I think drilling would  kinda help us is because if we got alot of oil the gas prices would go down.And instead of them being 4 dollars they be like back down to 3 dollars which is really good. Because if we don't lower the prices of gas in like 2016 their going to be like 5 to 6 dollars and that's really expensive.Also we would get people more jobs if we get more oil which is really good.

But also if we did drill it wouldn't last that long ,the most it could last is 6 months .That's not long so it wouldn't be worth it to just drill down a wildlife for just are economy to do better for 6 months and then crash back down after 6 months.So i would rather just have the economy that we have now then having it get better and then crash even farther then it is now after 6 months.Also if we did drill and crash down after 6 months it would been harder to get back up we would have to spend a ton of money tyring to get oil so that are economy could get better.

As you can see drilling in Alaska is a horrible thing to do on my opinion.If i was the president i would definitely not drill in Alaska because of all the problems that would go wrong if we drilled in Alaska. So in the conclusion I feel like drilling in Alaska would be the worst thing to do right now in the untied states because it would make us in so much debt.

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