Friday, May 24, 2013

Today’s Society vs. Ribbons

Author's Note: This piece was written to demonstrate my knowledge of Text Analysis

 Can you just imagine what little girls had to go through when they were younger in china?  Many children hundreds of years ago had to suffer for the rest of their lives, because of what parents thought was beautiful. Their mothers would put their feet under a stool, so the bones in their feet would transform into a different formation. This is the pain they will have to go through for the rest of their life, walking around with pegs, and small shoes. What would you do for beauty, just to look beautiful at that moment of time?

 In the story “Ribbons” it talks about a Chinese girl named Stacy  who loved ballet but almost had to give it all up because her parents wanted their grandma to come live with them.  Stacy had a hard time because Paw-paw was favoring Ian not her. Beauty plays a role in this story, because her grandma has terrible feet the reason why she never wants to talk about it is, because when she was little her mother binded her feet this happens in China. back then that was there way of showing their  beauty. They thought that rich guys would take care of them because their feet were beautiful. So Paw-Paw had live with her feet like that for a long time. I think Modern society has changed our ideal of  beauty. In quite dramatic ways.

 For example, Girls are getting skinner and guys are getting bulkier. Also wrinkles seem to be the thing of the past. In my opinion I think Hollywood plays a big role in this because look at all of the actors and actresses, singers and dancers. What do they all have in common? That’s right false beauty. I think we shouldn’t waste our time on looking good and being pretty.  I think we should spend time a helping out the world like helping nature or finding cures for cancer.

  Furthermore people these days spend so much money on trying to look good. Like dying their hair, Botox, and much more, but instead they should spend their money for people in need, like making a change in the world to make yourself noticed about the good things you do. Not getting  noticed on how beautiful you are or getting noticed by getting plastic surgery. I really don’t care how I look but most other people I think today do. That’s a shame because they waste all that  money on makeup and clothes and surgery just to make themselves look better when they actually don’t.  

 A pain that will never  be forgotten is the foot binding many children who lived in china had to go though. Then suffered with the pain the rest of their life’s.  The pain that everyone goes through is not necessary.  If  it was today  society or if it was hundreds of years ago.  Help someone that actually needs money not just beauty that’s painful.

1 comment:

  1. i like how you explain the way people had to suffer in china.
