Friday, May 10, 2013

the Lightning thief

Author's Note: I did a text analysis piece and I did it on if the setting was different how would effect the character's?

Text Analysis  

  If Greek Mythology was real what would it be like? Well In the book  Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Greek Mythology is real and is all about the Greek gods. This book is about this boy named Percy and he finds out he is the son of a god Poseidon, and he is accused of stealing the Lightning Bolt From Zeus. So he has to go on a quest to get his mother back and to find the lightning bolt. The setting is really important in my opinion because it can change the whole story just by it changing. It effects the characters and that is really important to.
  Furthermore , what if the setting was different how would that effect the character? Like for example, what if Percy never made it to camp half-blood like he did in the book and the movie. How that effects the character is because then he never finds out who he really is and doesn't know that he is accused of stealing the bolt. Which is really important in this story. Why it’s important is because if he didn't find out he was accused and didn't try to get the bolt back to Zeus, a big war between the gods would've broken out.
  Also the plot is effected when the setting changes. The plot is that Zeus’s bolt is stolen and he accuses Percy. And if the setting was changed that means Percy wouldn't  of known that he was accused of stealing the bolt. That’s why if effects the plot because than the whole world would of died because of the war between the gods. Changing the setting means a lot in so many ways that’s why the setting is so important in every book.
  In conclusion I would like to say that the setting means a lot if changed. It effects how the characters act and play a role in the book. So that’s really important and also it effects the plot which plays a big role too. So my point of this whole piece was to try to say that changing the setting effects the characters and the plot a lot and that it makes a difference too. 

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