Monday, November 19, 2012

Touching Spirit

Author's Note: this was a really good piece for me because i think i did good for introduction this time which is one of my goals to get above an 8 witch i think i did.

                                                      Character Development 

  In the Touching Spirit Bear, Cole started off a lonely disrespectful young teenager who only cared about himself. He was a juvenile delinquent always getting in trouble. Cole takes this last one to far this time though. He brutally beat one of his own classmates on the school sidewalk. Peter suffers head trauma, speech problems, and constant nightmares as consequences of Cole’s actions.

  Cole pay’s the price and has to either spend 1 year in jail or go on an island in Alaska for a year. In the beginning Cole was an angry kid he would always get in trouble and blame it on his alcoholic mom and is abusive dad. How Cole changes throughout the book is when he gets sent on the island and then the spirit bear changes his life by Attacking him and putting Cole in the hospital. That changed Cole completely because he went from a grumpy teenager bossing everyone around. To becoming a nicer kid who still has anger but can control it. Cole himself said “I only speak the truth now” in the book after the spirit bear attack. He was that mean kid because he had no one who cared for him and that loved him so he took after his dad by doing all this stuff wrong to let his anger out.

  Furthermore I like to say that after Cole was attacked and came back from the injury he knew how to control his anger a lot more. He also was nicer and still had some anger because you can’t get rid of it all like As Edwin said, "Anger is a memory never forgotten".Now Cole is very similar to Roger In thank you ma’am they both were disrespectful young teenagers in the beginning  but they both change because of one reason Cole because of the bear and roger because of Mrs. Jones then they both waned to be trusted and tell the truth and have someone who cared for them. They both  just wanted to be trusted and have someone care for them that’s the only reason why they were disrespectful to other people.

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