Friday, May 18, 2012

Wonder Mania

Author's Note: I think i did pretty good on this one I fixed some stuff and looked it over a couple times and it sounded fine

I'm from Pewaukee I live in Pewaukee ,Pewaukee is an amazing place in waukesha Wisconsin.What my favorite things to do in pewaukee is to go in the middle of the lake ,by boat of course and go swimming it’s so much fun!! Also you can attach a rope to the boat and a tube and put someone in the tube and go as fast as you can with the boat it’s really fun to do in pewaukee.And afterward you can go to the beach and relax and get some ice cream at the chocolate factory that sounds like a good plan to me. But in pewaukee when it’s winter it’s not the best because we get a lot of snow like a lot!!.But the good parts about a lot of snow is that I can go snowboarding with my friends and practice to get better which helps a lot.And my name is Carson and pewaukee is my life if i didn’t live in  pewaukee it just wouldn’t be the same! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

World Wonder

 Author's Note: I think that colors are really wonderful and are amazing but I could of done better on this essay a little bit.


     What I think about colors is that they are wonderful and amazing to see around us. My favorite color is red it goes with a lot of things like black that is are school colors right there and they look fantastic on us.But I also think why I like it is because when you wear light colors in means your happy and when you wear dark colors ur mad or sad.And I like red because im always happy and have a smile on my face and bring joy to the world well for me at least.Without colors are world wouldn’t really be alive because we need colors to see what stuff is around us so colors are really important to this world and me.    

Monday, May 14, 2012

Survive to the Finish

 Author's Note: I think who ever is in the army is really brave and has a lot of courage to go out and risk their lives  just for others. 

 Topic: Military

  If I was in the military I would be a marine because they are on the ground and just go in battles on foot. And try to win wars but other things that I could be are Navy and the air force.I wouldn't want to be in the Navy because I don't like going on ships because im afraid of them. Because of crashing into something or sinking that wouldn't be the best thing if that happened.And also if I was in the air force I wouldn't like that because I don't know how to fly and I hate flying and I would probably crash the plane.That's why being in the military can be good but also very dangerous. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Save & Defend

Author's Note:I think this was really funny and cool that we got to write about this because I really love super hero's

Super Powers:Flying and invisibility

       The reason I picked those powers is because then I can fly and go wherever I want and don't have to worry about cost and economy and stuff like that.Also why i chose that it would be really cool to fly it would be fun to see all the people in danger and i know i could fly and save them.My second power is amazing to do you  can be invisible which means no one can see me. So i could also be flying and invisible so no one could shoot me down and try to kill me. And if i was every getting cornered by a lot of people to take me away and study me i could just go invisible and fly way so i really cant get trapped

And if i wasn't a good superhero and I was bad guy i would fly and be invisible and destroy everything like buildings and other things like cars and banks.But i think i would rather be a good person then bad. No one likes bad people the good hero's are the people to like. Like me if i was a superhero i would be good and not bad to this world.I would be kind and very helpful to this world by cleaning up trash to keep the world clean. And also if there's like a different place then the U.S getting attacked I might help but if they attack us im ready for battle.So that's why having  2 super abilities would be so fun and helpful to our world.