Monday, January 21, 2013

Compare and Contrast

Author's Note: This piece is about the same and the differences between Roger from thank you ma'am and Cole From Touching Spirit Bear.

                                                    Compare and Contrast
In the book Touching Spirit Bear Theirs a boy named Cole and he lived a rough life. His dad abused him and his mom was an alcoholic. Cole was a very bad child he was terrible in school and he never followed the rules. But one day he went too far and beat a kid so bad the kid still has nightmares about it.

Someone who is exactly like Cole is Roger from thank you ma’am.  They both have rough life’s. Both Cole and Roger were bad kids always looking for trouble but one day that all change. Cole’s life got changed from being a horrible kid to a better nicer kind of kid . And how that happened is because the spirit bear attacked him and almost killed him. Which made him think he should become a better person in life and to other’s. And how Roger’s life changed is because Mrs. Jones brought him home and cared for him and he was finally appreciated for once in his life. So he wanted to change because of what she did.

How Roger and Cole are the same is because they both are rotten little teenagers who don’t care about anyone. Also they both did a lot of bad things like for example, stealing and beating up another kid. And some other things are they both changed to become nicer people and better in life. And how they were different is both had different reasons for being bad. One because of his parents and the other because he was never cared for and never loved. But in the end something shout out to them and ended up changing both of their lives.  

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