Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Patroit's Pen

  Author's Note:I think i did pretty good this essay is about freedom.      

                                                       The Rights for Freedom

What would I tell America’s founding fathers? I would tell them that they did a really good job with the laws but also some bad ones to. I would tell them that giving us freedom is the best thing out of all the laws. Why I think that is because if we didn’t have freedom are President could order us to do anything and be his slaves. We would have to take orders from the people who own us and have a higher level of authority over us. Which in my opinion I think that would be horrendous. Freedom is the best thing you can  ask for.

Theirs Lot’s of different kinds of freedom’s like for example one of them is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate ones opinions and ideas. Well I think that’s good but it’s not the best out of all the freedoms. The best one in my opinion is freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is a group that allow people to choose whether and how to worship.
Well that’s some of the freedom’s there’s 5 of them in all. If I was a founding father I would make more laws about freedom rather the some other laws in my opinion. A good amendment is the freedom to vote for president I think that is really good because u can choose what president you wanting by voting instead of just having a random president that no one knows. Why I think freedom is the best is because without freedom it would be hard to do stuff you want. You would have to listen to someone else and do whatever they told you like slavery. But in the U.S.A we have a president and all of the freedom’s  so we don’t have slavery. This is why I like living in the United States because we have right’s that make this world so much better.

Monday, October 22, 2012


    Author's Note: I think i did really well on this one i looked at the checklist and made sure i did good on this assignment                                                    

                                                 Hunger Games

The book I read was the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.In this book its about this girl named Katniss who takes her sister place at the reaping.Now her and peeta the other tribute that came with her are going to the games.In the book she has to choose who to kill and who not to kill. Some main things in this book is her taking place at the reaping. Also her getting dressed up and making people like her so she gets help from people at the games when she was hurt.

The Cause in the book is  Katniss holds out the berries, threatening to kill both herself and Peeta. The effect is Making  the Game makers choose two winners instead of one. Also to end the story Peeta and Katniss win the games and then live their life out in riches and a amazing house. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Conflict essay


                                                          Lighting Thief 

I read the book Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief.In this book the Main conflict is Person vs. Person also known as Percy vs. his dad Poseidon. But it also could be Percy vs. Hades and Zeus, How? Zeus was going to kill Percy and start a big fight against the gods. Also Hades would of killed him to if it wasn't for Hades wife knocking him out.

The resolution is Percy goes to the underworld where Hades is so that he can get his mom back from him and also tell him he doesn't have the bolt. Well that didn't work so well because when he got their and Percy said he didn't have the bolt Hades wanted to kill him. But then in Percy's Shield the bolt was hidden And Percy didn't know until the shield broke. Hades was even more mad so he wanted to kill them but Hades wife took the bolt from Hades and knocked him out. They returned the bolt to Zeus and the world went back to normal.    

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Personal Narritive

Fantastic Season

My first Practice I thought my team was horrible I only knew like 2 people on my team. In my head I’m thinking that were never going to win a game this season, but shockingly when we started practicing we were pretty good. I saw some of my teammates pitch and I was fascinated by how good they were pitching it was unreal. That moment I knew my baseball team (Washington nationals) will be undefeated.

 First game of the season and I’m all nervous because I didn’t want to lose to a team that by the looks of it wasn’t very good at all. I was thinking that are team was the best and no one could stop us well I was wrong. After the 3rd inning  we could not hit the ball at all. Also even worse we couldn’t pitch either and I thought every other team wasn’t going to hit the ball once well I was wrong again they were hitting everything until the 5th inning. That’s when we stopped them from hitting which was good but still are team was hitting well, we either grounded out or struck out in that inning.

 In the 6th inning we held them at 7 runs to are 3 and we are up to bat and if we don’t get more runs than 7 we lose. So then it’s up to me then Zack and Dakota to do something for are team. I got on base with a double but the next play Zack grounds out for one out and I got to third on a steal. Next play Dakota hits a pop fly in the outfield for 2 outs and I tagged up and scored now the game is 7 to 4 with 2 outs. Ryan is the next one up and he gets a double and were all excited thinking were going to come back  and win but when Nathan got up  and he grounded out to end the game 7 to 4. Are team still wasn’t mad not sad we were happy not the happiest because we lost but still happy and making Nathan feel better and telling him it wasn’t his fault we lost we all played bad.
Continuing the season we were on a win streak after that first lose. It came down to the 3rd last game we were  9-1 and we had to play the 2nd place team for the first time and they were coming in 8-2 into this game. We were in the outfield first, Jayden was pitching and I was at first warming my infielders up. We started out strong until Jayden’s elbow cause him to stop pitching and that hurt . Are team  couldn’t stop them from hitting the ball  also we walked a lot of their player’s so they were beating us 7-0 in the 2nd inning. Finally we ended the inning 8-0 and we were up to bat and we came ready to hit we were getting base hit after base hit. The inning ended 8-6 and from there on we didn’t score but they did we ended up losing 13-6.

Our season ended and we finished 12-2 I thought that was pretty good going into the playoffs first seed. But sadly we lost a lot of our players to vacations and other family things. Sadly we lost are best pitcher and are best catcher and more people too so pitching was going to be hard same with catching. Our first game in the playoff’s we crushed  them we beat them  20-6 are pitcher Jayden was on fire with like 6 strikeout’s in  2 innings. From there on we didn’t win we took third in the playoffs and 1st in the season but we were winners.  We were proud of what we did this season because we score 156 runs all season and playoff’s while the other teams only scored like 50 runs all season. I personal thought that was the best year of baseball I’m ever going to play are team was amazing we never got down on are self we always brought each other up when we were losing.  We never quit and I hope in my next few years in baseball will have the same team like that.