Thursday, November 29, 2012


Author's Note: this piece is really good and i feel like it will do good to.

                                                                     Life of Cole 

 Touching Spirit bear  is about this boy named Cole who is a disrespectful young teenager. Who has horrible parents an abusive dad and his mother who drinks. And he brutally beats a kid on the school sidewalk and has to face the consequences.  So Cole got sent to an island in Alaska for a year to get taught a lesson and it did. The spirit bear made him think and it worked by almost killing him. The main conflict is Cole overcoming  all the  negativity  in his life  and throwing all the bad thoughts aside.

unspoken truth

Author's Note: i think this piece is really good as should score good too.

                                                            Cause and effect 

 In the book Touching Spirit bear there’s a boy named Cole he is a rude younger teenager who only cares for himself. Cole gets his negativity from his parents. His dad abuses him while his mom drinks. The main event that happens in this book is Cole nearly escaping death from the spirit bear and ends up changing him completely. Cole got sent to the island in the first place because he brutally beat one of his classmates.

  So Cole faced his consequences and has to live on a island in Alaska for a year. Sense Cole got sent their the cause is beating the kid.  Then getting sent to the island where the effect is the bear teaching him a lesson my almost killing him and then changing him completely. From being a horrible rude kid to a nice thoughtful caring kid.  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Touching Spirit

Author's Note: this was a really good piece for me because i think i did good for introduction this time which is one of my goals to get above an 8 witch i think i did.

                                                      Character Development 

  In the Touching Spirit Bear, Cole started off a lonely disrespectful young teenager who only cared about himself. He was a juvenile delinquent always getting in trouble. Cole takes this last one to far this time though. He brutally beat one of his own classmates on the school sidewalk. Peter suffers head trauma, speech problems, and constant nightmares as consequences of Cole’s actions.

  Cole pay’s the price and has to either spend 1 year in jail or go on an island in Alaska for a year. In the beginning Cole was an angry kid he would always get in trouble and blame it on his alcoholic mom and is abusive dad. How Cole changes throughout the book is when he gets sent on the island and then the spirit bear changes his life by Attacking him and putting Cole in the hospital. That changed Cole completely because he went from a grumpy teenager bossing everyone around. To becoming a nicer kid who still has anger but can control it. Cole himself said “I only speak the truth now” in the book after the spirit bear attack. He was that mean kid because he had no one who cared for him and that loved him so he took after his dad by doing all this stuff wrong to let his anger out.

  Furthermore I like to say that after Cole was attacked and came back from the injury he knew how to control his anger a lot more. He also was nicer and still had some anger because you can’t get rid of it all like As Edwin said, "Anger is a memory never forgotten".Now Cole is very similar to Roger In thank you ma’am they both were disrespectful young teenagers in the beginning  but they both change because of one reason Cole because of the bear and roger because of Mrs. Jones then they both waned to be trusted and tell the truth and have someone who cared for them. They both  just wanted to be trusted and have someone care for them that’s the only reason why they were disrespectful to other people.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Author's Note:I think this is my best piece i spent the most time on this piece and i think its my best because i love Joe mauer he is my favorite baseball player.
                          Joe Mauer
Joe Mauer only struck out once in his high school career with a batting average of 526 that’s amazing. What made me read a book about Joe mauer is he is my favorite baseball player that I look up to ,because I either want to be a Baseball player when I grow up or a Football  player. One or the other depends on which one will kick off when i grow up.What I think about Joe mauer is that he is the best baseball player in the MLB.    

Although Joe is a fantastic baseball player he was a really good football player in high school because he got a lot of scholarships for football . Sadly he turned them down because he want to follow his baseball career which he did and now is in the pros because of that.What I like about him is that he is a catcher for Minnesota twins but a lot of catchers aren’t that good at hitting so they put them at the bottom of the line up but joe mauer isn’t a  normal catcher. He’s 4 in the lineup for hitting which is weird that he is hitting 4 because catchers aren’t that good at hitting .               

But not Joe he is one of the best hitter’s in the league of baseball.he was the only the 2 catcher in history to win 3 batting titles that is really good coming from my input .Also I think that joe mauer would be great if he didn’t have health issue a lot .Joe has been getting  injured and been out of games a lot over the past couple years.And maybe its because Joe is getting older and doesn't have the abilities to play baseball anymore like he use to.

And finally What Joe is the best at is playing other positions  this last year he played first base because he had health issue and couple years ago he played third base because they didn’t know he was a good catcher until like 3 years ago. now he only plays catcher when he has no health issue or maybe he doesn’t want to play that game because they can  sit out games if their not back up to full strength or if their tired.That’s how i know joe mauer is the best is because he can do so many things that impresses me and I do want to be like him when i grow up.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Patroit's Pen

  Author's Note:I think i did pretty good this essay is about freedom.      

                                                       The Rights for Freedom

What would I tell America’s founding fathers? I would tell them that they did a really good job with the laws but also some bad ones to. I would tell them that giving us freedom is the best thing out of all the laws. Why I think that is because if we didn’t have freedom are President could order us to do anything and be his slaves. We would have to take orders from the people who own us and have a higher level of authority over us. Which in my opinion I think that would be horrendous. Freedom is the best thing you can  ask for.

Theirs Lot’s of different kinds of freedom’s like for example one of them is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate ones opinions and ideas. Well I think that’s good but it’s not the best out of all the freedoms. The best one in my opinion is freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is a group that allow people to choose whether and how to worship.
Well that’s some of the freedom’s there’s 5 of them in all. If I was a founding father I would make more laws about freedom rather the some other laws in my opinion. A good amendment is the freedom to vote for president I think that is really good because u can choose what president you wanting by voting instead of just having a random president that no one knows. Why I think freedom is the best is because without freedom it would be hard to do stuff you want. You would have to listen to someone else and do whatever they told you like slavery. But in the U.S.A we have a president and all of the freedom’s  so we don’t have slavery. This is why I like living in the United States because we have right’s that make this world so much better.

Monday, October 22, 2012


    Author's Note: I think i did really well on this one i looked at the checklist and made sure i did good on this assignment                                                    

                                                 Hunger Games

The book I read was the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.In this book its about this girl named Katniss who takes her sister place at the reaping.Now her and peeta the other tribute that came with her are going to the games.In the book she has to choose who to kill and who not to kill. Some main things in this book is her taking place at the reaping. Also her getting dressed up and making people like her so she gets help from people at the games when she was hurt.

The Cause in the book is  Katniss holds out the berries, threatening to kill both herself and Peeta. The effect is Making  the Game makers choose two winners instead of one. Also to end the story Peeta and Katniss win the games and then live their life out in riches and a amazing house. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Conflict essay


                                                          Lighting Thief 

I read the book Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief.In this book the Main conflict is Person vs. Person also known as Percy vs. his dad Poseidon. But it also could be Percy vs. Hades and Zeus, How? Zeus was going to kill Percy and start a big fight against the gods. Also Hades would of killed him to if it wasn't for Hades wife knocking him out.

The resolution is Percy goes to the underworld where Hades is so that he can get his mom back from him and also tell him he doesn't have the bolt. Well that didn't work so well because when he got their and Percy said he didn't have the bolt Hades wanted to kill him. But then in Percy's Shield the bolt was hidden And Percy didn't know until the shield broke. Hades was even more mad so he wanted to kill them but Hades wife took the bolt from Hades and knocked him out. They returned the bolt to Zeus and the world went back to normal.    

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Personal Narritive

Fantastic Season

My first Practice I thought my team was horrible I only knew like 2 people on my team. In my head I’m thinking that were never going to win a game this season, but shockingly when we started practicing we were pretty good. I saw some of my teammates pitch and I was fascinated by how good they were pitching it was unreal. That moment I knew my baseball team (Washington nationals) will be undefeated.

 First game of the season and I’m all nervous because I didn’t want to lose to a team that by the looks of it wasn’t very good at all. I was thinking that are team was the best and no one could stop us well I was wrong. After the 3rd inning  we could not hit the ball at all. Also even worse we couldn’t pitch either and I thought every other team wasn’t going to hit the ball once well I was wrong again they were hitting everything until the 5th inning. That’s when we stopped them from hitting which was good but still are team was hitting well, we either grounded out or struck out in that inning.

 In the 6th inning we held them at 7 runs to are 3 and we are up to bat and if we don’t get more runs than 7 we lose. So then it’s up to me then Zack and Dakota to do something for are team. I got on base with a double but the next play Zack grounds out for one out and I got to third on a steal. Next play Dakota hits a pop fly in the outfield for 2 outs and I tagged up and scored now the game is 7 to 4 with 2 outs. Ryan is the next one up and he gets a double and were all excited thinking were going to come back  and win but when Nathan got up  and he grounded out to end the game 7 to 4. Are team still wasn’t mad not sad we were happy not the happiest because we lost but still happy and making Nathan feel better and telling him it wasn’t his fault we lost we all played bad.
Continuing the season we were on a win streak after that first lose. It came down to the 3rd last game we were  9-1 and we had to play the 2nd place team for the first time and they were coming in 8-2 into this game. We were in the outfield first, Jayden was pitching and I was at first warming my infielders up. We started out strong until Jayden’s elbow cause him to stop pitching and that hurt . Are team  couldn’t stop them from hitting the ball  also we walked a lot of their player’s so they were beating us 7-0 in the 2nd inning. Finally we ended the inning 8-0 and we were up to bat and we came ready to hit we were getting base hit after base hit. The inning ended 8-6 and from there on we didn’t score but they did we ended up losing 13-6.

Our season ended and we finished 12-2 I thought that was pretty good going into the playoffs first seed. But sadly we lost a lot of our players to vacations and other family things. Sadly we lost are best pitcher and are best catcher and more people too so pitching was going to be hard same with catching. Our first game in the playoff’s we crushed  them we beat them  20-6 are pitcher Jayden was on fire with like 6 strikeout’s in  2 innings. From there on we didn’t win we took third in the playoffs and 1st in the season but we were winners.  We were proud of what we did this season because we score 156 runs all season and playoff’s while the other teams only scored like 50 runs all season. I personal thought that was the best year of baseball I’m ever going to play are team was amazing we never got down on are self we always brought each other up when we were losing.  We never quit and I hope in my next few years in baseball will have the same team like that. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hunger games

                                                Hunger games

 hunger games is about these 13 districts  now only 12 but every year one boy and one girl over the age of 12 go out against 23 others trying to fight to the death Katniss (the main character) her sister gets pick but Katniss volunteered herself  instead of her sister and ends up winning  

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wonder Mania

Author's Note: I think i did pretty good on this one I fixed some stuff and looked it over a couple times and it sounded fine

I'm from Pewaukee I live in Pewaukee ,Pewaukee is an amazing place in waukesha Wisconsin.What my favorite things to do in pewaukee is to go in the middle of the lake ,by boat of course and go swimming it’s so much fun!! Also you can attach a rope to the boat and a tube and put someone in the tube and go as fast as you can with the boat it’s really fun to do in pewaukee.And afterward you can go to the beach and relax and get some ice cream at the chocolate factory that sounds like a good plan to me. But in pewaukee when it’s winter it’s not the best because we get a lot of snow like a lot!!.But the good parts about a lot of snow is that I can go snowboarding with my friends and practice to get better which helps a lot.And my name is Carson and pewaukee is my life if i didn’t live in  pewaukee it just wouldn’t be the same! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

World Wonder

 Author's Note: I think that colors are really wonderful and are amazing but I could of done better on this essay a little bit.


     What I think about colors is that they are wonderful and amazing to see around us. My favorite color is red it goes with a lot of things like black that is are school colors right there and they look fantastic on us.But I also think why I like it is because when you wear light colors in means your happy and when you wear dark colors ur mad or sad.And I like red because im always happy and have a smile on my face and bring joy to the world well for me at least.Without colors are world wouldn’t really be alive because we need colors to see what stuff is around us so colors are really important to this world and me.    

Monday, May 14, 2012

Survive to the Finish

 Author's Note: I think who ever is in the army is really brave and has a lot of courage to go out and risk their lives  just for others. 

 Topic: Military

  If I was in the military I would be a marine because they are on the ground and just go in battles on foot. And try to win wars but other things that I could be are Navy and the air force.I wouldn't want to be in the Navy because I don't like going on ships because im afraid of them. Because of crashing into something or sinking that wouldn't be the best thing if that happened.And also if I was in the air force I wouldn't like that because I don't know how to fly and I hate flying and I would probably crash the plane.That's why being in the military can be good but also very dangerous. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Save & Defend

Author's Note:I think this was really funny and cool that we got to write about this because I really love super hero's

Super Powers:Flying and invisibility

       The reason I picked those powers is because then I can fly and go wherever I want and don't have to worry about cost and economy and stuff like that.Also why i chose that it would be really cool to fly it would be fun to see all the people in danger and i know i could fly and save them.My second power is amazing to do you  can be invisible which means no one can see me. So i could also be flying and invisible so no one could shoot me down and try to kill me. And if i was every getting cornered by a lot of people to take me away and study me i could just go invisible and fly way so i really cant get trapped

And if i wasn't a good superhero and I was bad guy i would fly and be invisible and destroy everything like buildings and other things like cars and banks.But i think i would rather be a good person then bad. No one likes bad people the good hero's are the people to like. Like me if i was a superhero i would be good and not bad to this world.I would be kind and very helpful to this world by cleaning up trash to keep the world clean. And also if there's like a different place then the U.S getting attacked I might help but if they attack us im ready for battle.So that's why having  2 super abilities would be so fun and helpful to our world.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Life or Death

                                  Hunger Games

If you were with 23 other people to fight to the death what would you do? Hunger Games was an action packed book that 24 contests have to fight to the death and whoever wins lives their life of wealth and riches. The Author “Suzanne Collins" was trying to tell the readers what it was like for some people who didn’t have a lot of money or were poor. Then had to put their name in for the games so that they can get food, the more drawings you put in more food you’ll get. Imagine you with 23 other people trying to survive by fighting to the death with only a bow and arrow and a drinking can but empty.

Firstly the 2 main characters in the book are Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark who had no clue who each other were. Except once when Peeta through a piece of bread to Katniss to eat sense she’s poor. Otherwise they both become the tributes from district 12 and to sell to win the games they trick everyone by thinking they are star cross lovers so that they could get sponsors to help them when hurt. But it actually turned out that they did start to love each other in the end.

 Until they got back from the games they didn’t really talk to each other that much.Katniss and Peeta were more friends than dating type but they had to tell everyone that Gale was their cousin. Or else it would cause a big deal with the press and even Katniss.If they didn’t then that would ruin their lives forever because Gale and Katniss have a thing and now Katniss and peeta kind of have a thing .so to make it real they just said Gale was the cousin so that there wasn’t any drama going around in the capitol.

What Suzanne did to make this book really interesting and to pull the reader in was the drama and the action and how the star cross lovers how they survive the games was just glorious. If you had to fight with 23 other people wouldn’t you think it would be hard to kill people u don’t even know? Suzanne did really well on the hunger games and I hope she does better on the second and third one. So far in the second one has been fantastic but has a lot of drama going on and the third one I hope it will be even better.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What do the People Want?

Author's Note:i think this essay was really good I studied websites looking at charts and alot more i think it did really good on this essay.   

Alaska's Drilling

If you could drill for more oil in Alaska would you? Personally i wouldn't drill in Alaska because of the environment in Alaska it is really good they have nice air and lots of trees but if you try to drill for oil the Wolf's,grizzly bears and polar bears and also a shaggy musk ox the mammoth like creature that is from the last ice age and maybe people might die from oil spills..Also trees could get cut down and get rid of that nice air with oil air no one likes that smell and then people will move away . Instead of being a state it will just be a oil factory but outside i mean come on seriously this Alaskan oil debate has been going on sense 1977 that's a long time and finally has made its breaking point.

In Alaska they have really good forests for animals and trees so that people can breathe but if are economy takes that away that's just sad. Why cant we just find a different place to drill or at least ask one of our allies like Canada or Asia their a big Continent what about them they have oil too why cant we ask them for some and give them money in return. But i guess that’s not going to happen sense their on a breaking point of drilling in Alaska.What i don't get is why are we drilling their in the first place if we really need oil then we should just ask someone else its not that hard.

The only reason I think drilling would  kinda help us is because if we got alot of oil the gas prices would go down.And instead of them being 4 dollars they be like back down to 3 dollars which is really good. Because if we don't lower the prices of gas in like 2016 their going to be like 5 to 6 dollars and that's really expensive.Also we would get people more jobs if we get more oil which is really good.

But also if we did drill it wouldn't last that long ,the most it could last is 6 months .That's not long so it wouldn't be worth it to just drill down a wildlife for just are economy to do better for 6 months and then crash back down after 6 months.So i would rather just have the economy that we have now then having it get better and then crash even farther then it is now after 6 months.Also if we did drill and crash down after 6 months it would been harder to get back up we would have to spend a ton of money tyring to get oil so that are economy could get better.

As you can see drilling in Alaska is a horrible thing to do on my opinion.If i was the president i would definitely not drill in Alaska because of all the problems that would go wrong if we drilled in Alaska. So in the conclusion I feel like drilling in Alaska would be the worst thing to do right now in the untied states because it would make us in so much debt.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Percy Jackson And The Lighting Theift

Author's Note:I think that i could of done better i did fix it up yesterday to make it sound better but i think i could still do better on this essay.                                  


I believe that this book is one of the best books that Ive ever read because they also made a movie about this book but change it up a little bit between  the movie and the book has more steps. How the book has more steps than the movie is that the movie begins that  Percy is underwater and he held his breathe for like 15 minutes that's a long time!!!!.And in the book they start off in their social studies class room those are to different beginnings isn't that weird.Also out of the two I like the movie better.The movie was Amazing I loved the movie so much it was the best if they could make a second movie I would definitely be going to see it.

The reason I liked the movie better it was because of Chris Columbus who directed the movie he did a fantastic job on telling about the Gods and how important they were in are world and how they still are.But Rick Riordan the person who wrote the book Percy Jackson and the Lighting Theft also did a good job on telling about the gods to. But the book and the movie were different in ways like the book in the end after Percy and the girl and his mom got out of the underworld the book pretty much ended.Although for the movie  When they got out of the underworld and went to go give Zeus his bolt back  but Luke from camp half-blood didn't want that to happen so him and Percy fought each other but Percy ends up winning against Luke and gave the bolt to Zeus.

So that’s one of the ways the movie and book are different between the two but also theirs a series for the book theirs more than one book .And for the movie theirs only one movie but I wish they will make a second one because it was a really good movie  even the ratings were good it got 4 out of 5 stars to me that’s a good movie.And for the book it also did good but to me i think the movie did better because the whole movie just was really good to me.But the book was good to i will give it that because they wouldn't a have made a series of books if the first one was bad so that's why i think it did good.

But in the book it could of had a better ending like its ending was good. But it wasn't the best it could of just had the ending like the movie its ending was fantastic it had the best ending of a movie Ive seen in a long time.All because of the action in the movie it made the ending better and serious it was either Luke or Percy gonna have a bolt with alot of power .And if Luke got it the world in the movie wouldn't be a happy place but Percy got it and returned it to Zeus where it belongs.So that’s why I liked the movie alot and the book to they were bot really good.     

Friday, February 3, 2012

The unbeliveable

   Author's Note: I think Currie did a amazing job on telling football fans what Adrian Peterson is all about.

                     The Sport of Inches  

Adrian Peterson, number 28 in a purple jersey,  is the all-pro!  He is currently  the running back for the Minnesota Vikings. Although sadly this year he could not finish his season because he injured his right knee, tearing his ACL and MCL. Despite this career threatening injury  the author, Stephan Currie, did a amazing job of telling football fans what Adrian Peterson is all about in his short article in The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Stephan Currie did an amazing job explaining about  Adrian Peterson and he told us that Adrian isn't giving up that he is a fighter. Peterson  had surgery and is doing great in rehab to get back and ready for next year.Also Currie told us about what Adrian Peterson has accomplished in football throughout his whole football career. And that is he was one of the finalist in the Heisman trophy but sadly came short to win the Heisman.He lost to Matt Leinart by 328 votes.

Furthermore I wish Peterson  would of won because he would have had alot better stats on his record of football. And it would be a great thing to accomplish to win the Heisman and do what he does today or at least when he comes back.What he also did was he had two brothers and both of them died one of them because they got hit by a car and the other brother died because of murder. Peterson had a rough childhood he had a dad and a mom but rarely ever saw his dad but at Adrian's first NFL game at Minneapolis ,Minnesota when Adrian got his first touchdown he saw his dad their i the crowd in the first row cheering for him and seeing him for the first time in a long time.Sadly after that Adrian barely ever saw his dad after that i feel so bad for him to miss his dad like that.

That is how i think Currie did a amazing because he told the football fans that Adrian is getting better and told us  some of his accomplishments and also his childhood.Stephan Currie is the amazing author on telling all about Adrian Peterson because he nailed this article to perfection.If he could do another article on like joe mauer my favorite baseball player i would like that one to that's how much I liked this article that Currie did on Adrian Peterson.